3 thoughts on “Day 2 -Talk: “Modern techniques of Evangelism””

  1. Elder Akaninyene Akankpo

    This development is commendable. The topics so far and the speakers are marvelous. We pray for God’s grace to do more exploits for Him.

  2. Bro. Victor AJAH

    This Talk was quite inspiring like the others.
    I thank God for this opportunity to be challenged again with Better ways to present the Gospel.
    I pray the Almighty to give me and other Men the Burden and Passion to propagate the the Gospel.
    May I also appreciate the leadership of the Men (MCA CWC) and all Stakeholders who have sacrificed a lot to make these Broadcasts possible. God bless You for me.

    Bro. Victor AJAH
    Synod of the West MCA
    Lagos Central Presbytery MCA
    Oko-Oba Parish MCA

  3. Thanks for the message, it’s actually on time. We need to wake up and do great work for our Master Jesus Christ.

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