2020 Fathers' Week

Chairman's Address


It is with great joy as I present my inaugural goodwill message to the men of this great Church as we celebrate this year’s Father’s Week.

The objective of the celebration among other things is to celebrate men’s achievements and contributions to Church growth, community development, family, marriage, and general parentage. The broader and ultimate aim of the event is to promote Christ as the head of the Church.

The General Assembly theme of this year, “Arise and Shine” is literally borrowed from the MCA slogan: “Oh men of God, Arise and Shine”. It will therefore not be out of place to say that the vision and mission was long revealed to men by God.

Rise up, O men of God!Have done with lesser things;
Give heart and soul and mind and strength. To serve the King of Kings

The first stanza of the MCA anthem is a call to service. It enjoined men to leave all irrelevant things and focus their heart, soul, mind and strength to serve God. This justifies the conclusion of the wise King Solomon who by inspiration said that whole duty of man is to fear God and keep his commandments (Ecclesiastics. 12:13).

To the generality of the Church, the 2020 General Assembly theme is apt and timely in the present-day society. We are in a generation that does not place God first; a generation where the world influences the church instead of the reverse. At a time like this, the Church looks unto the men to arise and defend her and the Faith. As soldiers of the cross, it thus behooves us to stand up for Jesus Christ and lift high its royal banners.

Arise and Shine as Leaders and Mentors:
In 1 Cor. 11:1, Paul enjoined the Corinthians to follow his example as he followed the example of Christ. What quality of leadership are you providing in your Congregation, Parish, Presbytery and Synod? What does your personality offer to the Church; is it peace or controversy? Who are you mentoring and who are your followers? It is important that we reflect soberly on these questions.

Arise and Shine in Soul-winning:
The great commission by Christ unto his disciples (you and me) is to go and make disciples of all nations, Matthew 28:19. The population of our church will be doubled in one year if one man will win just one soul for Christ in one year. Luke 15:7 makes us to understand that there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. I charge men to ensure that Evangelism is prominent in their programme at various courts of the Arm.

Arise and Shine in the Ministries:
The Church of God flourishes when men put together the various gifts that each received from God as enunciated in 1 Corinthians 12:8-10. Many men are stagnant and docile in the Church, completely showing no concern as if they are not part of the system. I want to reassure all men that we are equal stakeholders in the Church and kingdom race. You need to activate your gift and make it manifest in your parish. Arise from that slumber, redundancy, inactivity, dormancy, self-isolation and make yourself relevant in the Church of God. The various ministries in the Church includes but not limited to: Evangelism and follow-up, Hospital and Prison, Welfare, Technical & Maintenance, Prayer, Media and Publicity, Ushering, Welfare, Music, etc. Do well to join at least one ministry to express your gift. Please make out time to read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 to fully understand the underlying principle of the unity of the Church.

Arise and Shine in your family:
Genesis 18:19: “For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him”. What can God say about you concerning how you are raising the family and children He placed in your care? Are you confident that you have trained your children such that they will remain obedient and fearful to God as they grow in wisdom and understanding? As leaders of our various families, we are the best role models to our children and we will raise godly children only if we live godly life. You cannot bequeath what you do not have, hence for you to give godliness, you must have God.

Arise and shine in Market Place:
The market place is one of the best locations that men should shine forth the light of Christ. We comparatively spend fewer hours in the Church when compared to the hours we spend in our offices and businesses. In the course of transacting our businesses or executing our jobs, we are provided with ample opportunities to share the gospel of Christ through our interactions, attitudes, conversations, composures, aura, dressing and general conduct. Your personality can either attract or repel a dying soul to Christ. Remember that “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:14).

Arise and shine in Good Health:
While you nourish your soul and spirit with the Word of life, it is essential that you take adequate care of your health and that of your family. When you are healthy, you render better services to God. Remember the advice of Elder John to Gaius in 3 John 1:2; “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well”. It is the will of God that we live healthy even here on earth before we transit to eternal life in heaven.

Arise and shine in Hope Waddell University:
Oh men of God, it is equally good that we “Arise and Shine” in the Hope Waddell University Project. We are blessed that this is happening in our time. Just as we applaud the vision of men who built Hope Waddle Training Institute, McGregor College, Hugh Goldie Training Institute, Uburu Joint Hospital, just to mention a few, let the next generations applaud us for the Hope Waddell University. Upon this premise, the MCA at its 79th CWC meeting agreed to build a 150 Capacity Lecture Theater valued at N15M at the temporary site of the University at Okagwe Ohafia. We enjoin all men to support this project. We cannot be clamouring for the take-off of the University without making a mark as men and leaders of the Church. It is high time we matched our words with action so as to be part of the success story of the University. Hence, we call upon all men to brace up for this challenge. Soon, the drive for fund will commence; therefore do not be surprised when we write or visit you. Together, we can do it.

Finally, I congratulate all men and as we celebrate the grand finale of the 2020 Father’s Week today. Remain resolute and focused in the race to make heaven. Fight the good fight so that you will receive the ultimate crown of glory. The Lord bless you, keep you, make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you, Amen.
Oh men of God, Arise and Shine!

Elder Engr. Awa Eke Osonwa
Chairman, MCA CWC

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